
I've been trying to get LyX Spotlight indexing working for Mac OS X 10.5.8 Leopard. I noticed the following lines in my console:

22/09/09 22/9 • 9:02:22 AM mdworker[38103] Cannot find executable for CFBundle/CFPlugIn 0x149c00 </Applications/LyX/LyX.app/Contents/Library/ Spotlight/LyX-Metadata.mdimporter> (not loaded) 22/09/09 22/9 • 9:02:22 AM mdworker[38103] Cannot find function pointer MetadataImporterPluginFactory for factory C99B643C-A50B-409E- B499-BCB9FB8C170F in CFBundle/CFPlugIn 0x149c00 </Applications/LyX/ LyX.app/Contents/Library/Spotlight/LyX-Metadata.mdimporter> (not loaded) 22/09/09 22/9 • 9:02:22 AM mdworker[38103] (Warning) ImportPluginLoading: Plugin at url 'Spotlight/LyX-Metadata.mdimporter/ -- /Applications/LyX/LyX.app/Contents/Library/' cannot be loaded. It will not be used.

I attempted to follow the instructions on the wiki to type the following into the terminal: mdimport -r /Applications/LyX/LyX.app/Contents/Library/Spotlight/LyX- Metadata.mdimporter

but this only repeated the above three error messages. Is there anyway to get Spotlight working? (N.B. the path referred to, /Applications/ LyX/LyX.app, is indeed the location of my application.)


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