
I use XeTeX instead of LaTeX for Hebrew because it allows me to use any font installed on my system. If you type in unicode (utf8) and use a unicode font, this works well. I don't know about legacy fonts. I know there is some support for Hebrew aside from what I have mentioned, but I am unfamiliar with it.

In your preamble put this:




\newfontfamily\hebrewfont[Script=Hebrew]{<your font installed on your system>}


\newcommand{\he}[1]{\RL{\hebrewfont #1}}

To include Hebrew, type:

\he{<Hebrew text>}



<Hebrew text>


Since I am mainly dealing with biblical Hebrew, I use SBL Hebrew for my font, but you can choose any font on your system when you compile with XeTeX. Google for how to set up LyX to use XeTeX. It's not that complicated.


jbutzu wrote:
Hi there.  I am typing an article for a blog and need to insert a couple of
words in Hebrew.  What is the easiest process to do this?  I have fonts that
I have used in other programs already installed om my computer.  Also I
selected Hebrew in the install package... I forget whether this was for a
dictionary though or something else.  Responses would be greatly

Thank you in advance.

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