I've been finishing off a periodic table which I can insert into any
classroom document, and am struggling to get the elements' masses to
center in the cells. When I get up to numbers such as 123.45 it becomes
evident that the cells have a preconceived notion about how far **left**
they will place text; this leaves the right side pushing into the border
of the adjacent cell.  I have reduced the font size to smallest--any
more makes it too small.

I'd like to get the table to change this padding to something less, but
can't find the command despite repeated searches.  I guess I don't have
the right keywords?  The whole table would be set to center alignment.

I figure there's got to be a command out there for it, but I can't find
one that works yet (or perhaps I misused one already without knowing
it).  Does anyone know one?  Does it have to be applied on a
cell-by-cell basis or will it work on the whole table?

Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to
make yourself do the thing you have to do, when it ought to be done,
whether you like it or not; it is the first lesson that ought to be
learned; and however early a man's training begins, it is probably the
last lesson that he learns thoroughly.

Thomas Henry Huxley

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