Am 05.10.2009, 22:03 Uhr, schrieb Jack M. Lyon <>:
Jack M. Lyon wrote:
--I need a command that will convert paragraph breaks to newlines in the LaTeX text inside the paragraph environment verse1. So the text in LyX will look like this (styled as Poem):
        My name is Ozymandias, king of kings.
        Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!

I know that problem, but fear I don't have the solution you want. I have for this case the following make-shift/workaround:

Within the same strophe/stanza of a poem, after each line, I type Command+Return instead of only Return and get my wanted result.

In case of copying and pasting the poem text from another source, this is bothering a little because, after each line, you have to substitute the paragraph break by the newline break. I put the curser on the end of the line, type Command+Return and immediate erase the paragraph break.

Sorry, if this is an old hat for you, just in case.

And in more elegant and less time-consuming ways I am interested, too.

MacTeXLive 2008 - TeXShop 2.18-svn - LyX
MacBook Pro OSX 10.4.11 Tiger (intel)

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