Hi all,

I have been an addicted LyX user in the past and enjoyed
it very much. However, there is a feature in recent releases of LyX that
keeps annoying me. Namely, any time I enter math mode with ctrl-m, a
math bar is popping in the lower area of the screen, and it disappears
as soon as I leave the math mode. I understand that this feature is very
useful for beginners or people who like to select stuff from menus, but
I am an old LaTeX-user and I know all my LaTeX keywords by heart, so I
do not really need this kind of help. On the othyer hand, constant
popping and unpopping is visually very distracting. 

I was
looking for a box to untick in LyX preferences, but did not find
anything reasonable that would disable this feature. Am I overlooking
something trivial? My LyX version is and I am using the Linux
version on Arch Linux.

Thanx in advance for any help!

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