2009/10/25 Liviu Andronic <landronim...@gmail.com>:
> On 10/24/09, Stefano Franchi <fran...@philosophy.tamu.edu> wrote:
>>  If the latter, put the Lyx-inserted bibliography inset at the end of the
>>  document into a Lyx-note inset (to keep access to refs through the citation
>>  dialogue) and add, in ERT,
>>  /nobibliography{/path/to/your/bib/file}
> Hmm, I am using natbib, and when I insert bibliography in a note, all
> the in-line references are turned to "?". If I also add
> \nobibliography{refs-sri.bib}
> , then the document fails to compile for complaining of an undefined
> control sequence. I found one reference of this command on the wiki
> [1], and it seems that it is a jurabib option.

Unfortunately in such case you probably have to put absolute path of
you bib file.

This is due to fact that LyX copies all the stuff into temporary
directory before latex is run, and it may not copy your .bib file if
your bibliography is in the note.

jabber: manv...@manveru.pl
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