Am 27.10.2009, 21:42 Uhr, schrieb Jason Waskiewicz:
My best idea is that there could be a conflict with the \lipsum package. I have a similar computer setup to yours (Mac with Leopard -- though mine is a PPC). I've had no trouble on that machine or on my Linux box.

Thank you for your endeavor, Jason, but the \lipsum package cannot be the reason because, without using it, the result is similar.

Given that your tufte-book.layout is working in your similar computer setup, and that the tufte-book.cls is working on my machine with LaTeX (TeXShop), it's rather myterious for me where the reason for the misfunction might be, in my context.

By the way, in the same manner runs your kindly provided tuftebooksample.lyx: LyX ends with the same - and some more - LaTeX errors, but in the tmp-dir the pdf is produced, I suppose correct.

It would be interesting to hear from some others, especially with intel-Macs, wether the tufte-book.layout runs well in their LyX!

MacTeXLive 2008 - TeXShop 2.18-svn - LyX
MacBook Pro OSX 10.4.11 Tiger (intel)

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