On 10/28/2009 05:30 AM, Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW wrote:
I tried \footnotemark and \footnotetext, that doesn't work.
Is there a LyX or LaTeX solution to that problem? I'm pretty
sure my old friend will be sorry not to be able to switch to
LyX, which doesn't let you have footnotes in footnotes...
Is this what you mean ?

Nice work, Vincent, but not the kind of thing you'd want to have to do manually very often!

The best solution to this is to use the bigfoot package, which is designed for critical editions. Among its many other features is its ability to do footnotes within footnotes, so long as they are of different "levels". (E.g., an editor's footnote inside a footnote in the original.) See the attached, and note what's in the preamble.

It would be fairly easy to write a module for this kind of thing. You have to be a bit careful how you use it, though, as I don't think we'd have any way of preventing a B-note inside a B-note, which bigfoot will not like.


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\begin_layout Standard
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\begin_inset Foot
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
This is a footnote.
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout

footnoteB{Hi I'm an embedded footnote.}






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