On 11/24/2009 06:39 AM, Liviu Andronic wrote:

On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 9:34 PM, rgheck<rgh...@bobjweil.com>  wrote:
On 11/23/2009 02:05 PM, Liviu Andronic wrote:
If I am not mistaking, symbolic calculations can be performed in LyX
via maxima, octave, etc.

I don't know how current the support is, but yes, there are routines in
mathed that support exporting to these sorts of formats: Mathematica, too.
So some work may need to be done, but we don't see a lot of requests for
this kind of thing. I haven't seen anyone working on it since I've been
involved in LyX.

One of the reasons for so few requests could be that the nifty feature
is so well hidden. Other than not being mentioned on the features page
[1], I couldn't find info on CAS (maxima and the likes) in any of the
possible documentation files, from Introduction through Math. Even the
feature-poll page contains a non-greened-out request for CAS [2]. In
the GUI, it is not much simpler. After having written a math
expression (say, 'x+x'), right-clicking on the math env will not show
anything CAS-related, while the math toolbars do not propose anything

Thus, to discover the CAS support in LyX a user would need to go the
sometimes improbable way of writing in math env and, while there,
accessing the Edit>  Math>  Use CAS menu. Of course, an alternative
path would be Google.

If you'd like to draft something for one of the manuals, and/or propose some specific UI changes, we'd love to have them.


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