
I have the problem, that I would like to have a numbered list, or a description list (or similar environments) within a AMS theorem environments. While that is possible in LaTeX, unfortunately it is not in LyX.

Right now I use a work around with ERT, but it is kind of annoying and it would be great to have the possibility to simple nest those environments.

Is that already possible (I use LyX 1.6.3 under Fedora)?

thanks for your help and for this great peace of software.
- helmut


Helmut Hauser
Institute for Theoretical Computer Sciences
Technische Universitaet Graz
Inffeldgasse 16b, I
A-8010 Graz, Austria
Tel: + 43 316 873-5821
Fax: + 43 316 873-5805

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