A similar thing happened to me some time ago and it turned out that I was ammending not the bibtex file that LyX was using, but a backup.

I know I'm sillier than many, but, just in case, make sure you are ammending the bibtex file LyX is using :)


danielpferreira escribió:
I'm a new user and I'm getting some strange behaviour in Lyx.

I'm creating a BibTex file (using JabRef) and including it in Lyx. It's all
working fine (it shows up in the DIV file, it allows referencing, etc).

But sometimes a certain entry in the .bib file generates some bug and Lyx
can't compile the DIV preview (BTW, I dont really understand the error
messages Lyx shows me - or how/where to fix my code based on them, but I'll
leave that to another post). So I undo the last thing I've done in the .bib
file, wich theorically would restore me to a stable situation.

BUT lyx continues giving the same error message. SOmetimes I even exclude
from the .bib file the whole entry that gave the problem in the first place,
but lyx continues giving errors (oddly, in the error message, it shows some
code that i THINK shouldnt even exist anymore, since I deleted the
offfending entry).

The only way this is "solved" is if I close and reopen the .lyx file. It
looks like this is necessary to make Lyx "forget" about what happened...

Anyways, I guess my questions are:
1) Did my explanation make sense? :)
2) Is this a known behaviour/bug in Lyx?
3) If this is a bug, how can I fix it?

Keep in mind I'm not a programmer, and I'm new to Lyx, Latex, bibtex,
jabref, etc..
I'm one of the few (I guess) art students trying to  use LaTex to write a

Thanks in advance (and sorry about my weak english).

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