I have finally worked this out

You need

ERT box{

Then the begin frame menu item

Frame content

Then end frame menu item

Then an ERT box with }

This seems to work fine , but is there a better way?


Graham M Smith wrote:
Using an ERT box I can add a background image to Beamer presentation with


But this adds it to every slide, and I only want it on a single slide.

I have tried some other options such as putting this in the preamble (from searching the Lyx archives)

\vfill \hfill \includegraphics[width=0.8\paperwidth,height=0.8\paperheight]{#1}
\hfill \vfill

and then


But again this adds the same image to every slide.

I have tried replacing the image with nil \BackgroundPicture{} for the next slide to try and switch it off, and tried replacing it with a different image, but both are ignored.

The Latex instructions are to put the entire slide in a graphics block ended with a } but putting this in an ERT at the end of the slide throws an error. even when I have a matching { at the beginning of the code.

I have tried the "end frame" menu option, but again this doesn't stop the graphic appearing on all subsequent slides.

Hopefully this is one of those things that is easy to do, just difficult to find.



Graham M Smith

Station Cottage, Station Road
Binegar, Somerset

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