Maybe Adobe performs some kind of OCR when you select a piece of text from a 
PDF document and tries to copy what it can infer onto the clipboard. In that 
case it might just not be as good with Greek as it is with English. When i 
tried to select a line, the selection highlight background spilled over to 
neighbouring lines so acrobat reader wasn't very good with identifying line 
boundaries to start with. I am using Acrobat 9.0 on KUbuntu 8.04.

Have you tried googling for phrases like "acrobat copy 
greek/international ..."


On Monday 28 December 2009 08:44:20 am Piero Faustini wrote:
> Hello,I know this is a bit off-topic (well, COMPLETELY off-topic) but I ask
> in this newsl because I know there are some guys with international
> languages coding knoledges who could at least redirect me to some other
> community for this kind of problems.I need to copy some text (ok, I confess
> I would like to use googletranslate to know what's about!) in a pdf
> document which stays at this location:
>, I tried to copy
> the text to some editor/wp but always failed and found only bad characters,
> saving only some words coded in latin alphabet.Maybe a greek user can copy
> and then repaste the text in a suitable format.Any other
> ideas/help?ThanksPiero
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