Hi Mehrdad,

If you can't get your LaTeX distribution to recognize the bibtex style,
you can also use it locally.  Copy it to the same directory as your LyX
document.  Then, open up LyX and the Bibliography dialog (the easiest
way to do this is to click on the "BibTeX bibliography" in your

Next to the list of available BibTeX styles, you will see a "Browse"
button.  Just open up the file dialog and find the style in the local
directory then try and recompile the document.

If you continue to have problems, take a look at the formatting
instructions provided with the author kit.  I haven't ever used this
particular style and I'm not sure that I can give you much guidance on
how to navigate its complexities.



On Sun, 2010-01-10 at 09:15 -0800, Mehrdad Oveisi wrote:
> Hi Rob,
> Thanks a lot for your prompt and helpful respond!
> I have copied "aaai.sty" from the AuthorKit to
> ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex/
> and followed the rest of your instructions, and things are working
> quite nicely.
> The only problem I have is with Bibliography. I have inserted it
> using:
> Insert -> List / TOC -> BibTeX Bibliography
> and then I used "aaai-named" as style which was the only style I found
> in the list with a mention of aaai.
> But this gives me a pop up window containing the following error:
> --- Latex Errors --------
> }1982]{alchourrn_logic_1982}
> The control sequence at the end of the top line
> of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
> misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
> spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
> and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
> ----------------------------
> I noticed that the AAAI AuthorKit also contains a file named
> "fixbib.sty".
> I don't know if that can help to "fix" the problem.
> Also thanks a lot for the nice LyX links!
> Regards,
> Mehrdad
> On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 10:22 AM, Rob Oakes <lyx-de...@oak-tree.us>
> wrote:
>         Hi Mehrdad ,
>         The best way to get started is to install the LaTeX class and
>         examples in your texmf folder (~/Library/texmf/tex/latex on
>         Mac OS X, /usr/local/share/texmf/tex/latex on other Unix-like
>         operating systems; if the folder doesn't exist, then create
>         it).  When done, open up a terminal and type:
>         sudo texhash
>         When done, Open LyX and select Tools->Reconfigure.  Restart
>         LyX.
>         To use the aaai style, create a new document in LyX using the
>         "article" document class.
>         To the preamble of your document (Document->Settings->LaTeX
>         preamble), add the following:
>         \usepackage{aaai}
>         \usepackage{times}
>         \usepackage{helvet}
>         \usepackage{courier}
>         For the bibliography, choose Insert->LaTeX Bibliography and
>         specify which BibTeX database you will be using.  To ensure
>         that it uses the right style, find aaai from the available
>         options and select it.  Press Ok.
>         Then, start writing.  You're very lucky.  Aaai is implemented
>         as a LaTeX package (rather than as a stand-alone document
>         class), which means don't need to create your own custom
>         layout. The \usepackage{aaai} command will ensure that the
>         formatting complies with the publication specifications.
>         If you want additional information, take a look at the
>         "formatting-instructions.tex" file which came as part of the
>         AuthorKit.  It has some good information on how to get
>         started.  If you are going to be using LyX long-term, it will
>         also help you become comfortable looking at LaTeX source.  You
>         don't need to be a LaTeX guru to use LyX, but understanding
>         the basics opens a whole new world of what you can accomplish.
>         If you're interested, I've written a couple of articles that
>         explore this more in-depth:
>         Customizing LyX: Create an NIH Grant Proposal
>         (http://www.oak-tree.us/blog/index.php/2009/11/02/custom-lyx-nih)
>         Customizing LyX: Character Styles and the LyX Local Layout
> (http://www.oak-tree.us/blog/index.php/2009/11/14/customize-lyx-character-styles)
>         Best of luck with your paper.
>         Cheers,
>         Rob Oakes

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