I've just thought of a way to make creating and troubleshooting bind files 
much easier. If someone would create an LFUN_REREAD_BINDFILE, then I could 
directly edit user.bind and then run LFUN_REREAD_BINDFILE to assess the result 
without closing and reopening LyX. Cool, huh? 

I'd like to see a similar LFUN_REREAD_CONFIGURATION to do what Tools-
>Reconfigure does but without necessitating leaving and reentering LyX.


On Monday 11 January 2010 19:31:15 Steve Litt wrote:
> Hi all,
> I think the user interface for setting keyboard bindings can use
>  considerable improvement. Let's start with the worst thing: If you've done
>  something wrong with the keyboard binding function area, LyX closes the
>  keyboard binding dialog box and prints an error message like "you can't
>  insert that in this list" or some other generic error, AND THEN CLOSES THE
>  DIALOG BOX! So you can't even experiment to get it right -- you need to
>  redo Tools->Preferences-
> >Editing->Shortcuts and then redo everything. Do this ten times you've
> > burned
> up an hour, whereas if it left the dialog box you could do ten in ten
>  minutes.
> Also ugly: I could see no way to look up a binding by keystroke. This means
> there's no way to know an available keystroke other than try one and have
>  the interface tell you "this is already bound to function bibitybop and
>  that needs to be disabled first", and then, as I remember, close the
>  dialog box. You can already search on function -- it would be wonderful if
>  you could search on keystroke too.
> Then there's the fact that some keystrokes seem to be magically excluded
>  from possible key bindings. Ctrl+2 is one, even though I removed the
>  Ctrl+2 binding that went to bookmark 2.
> There are other anomalies I haven't documented because they only happened
>  once or were intermittent or whatever.
> The cleanest way I've found is to just directly edit user.bind, in
>  violation of the comment at the top saying it will automatically be
>  written etc. Of course, to do that I have to close all instances of LyX
>  while doing the editing, so troubleshooting is once again a very long
>  iteration.
> Part of all of this could be solved by documentation, but a big part of it
>  is lack of the "principle of least surprise" -- the interface is just so
>  weird that documenting it would take pages and pages of explanations and
>  warnings.
> Thanks
> SteveT
> Steve Litt
> Recession Relief Package
> http://www.recession-relief.US
> Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/stevelitt

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