2010/1/12 Paul A. Rubin <ru...@msu.edu>

> Andy Cheesman wrote:
>> Dear People
>> I'm trying to create custom enumeration using Beamer and Lyx on a few
>> slides
>> I would like some like the example below as well as other options.
>> H1
>> H2
>> H3
>> However, all the online references suggest something like
>> \renewcommand{\theenumi}{\alph{enumi} or
>> \bgroup
>>        \renewcommand\theenumi{(\alph{enumi})}
>>        \renewcommand\labelenumi{\theenumi}
>>  these Lyx errores with theenumi, \labelenumi being undefined
>> What am I missing?
>> Andy
> Does the following (in your document preamble) achieve what you want?
> \setbeamertemplate{enumerate item}{H\insertenumlabel}
> /Paul
> That method does indeed work but unfortunately its creates a global pattern
and I would like to make custom indivual lists for slides
H1, H2, H3 H4
Step I, Step II, Step III

I know this works in Beamer/LaTeX but I would prefer a native solution


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