On 2010-01-15, Helge Hafting wrote:
> Thomas Steffen wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 11:15 AM, Helge Hafting <helge.haft...@hist.no>wrote:

>>> Ehud Kaplan wrote:

>>>> In working with colleagues on a paper, there are times when I do not have
>>>> the figures
>>>> needed for producing the entire document, but it would  be nice to see it
>>>> even without the figures.

>>> You can insert figure floats, and simply not insert any graphics files into
>>> them.

>> Or even better, you could put the figure in a branch (see Document ->
>> Settings) - then you can enable or disable them as you like.

> That will cause latex errors when there is a cross reference to a
> disabled figure.

Only if you put the complete figure-float in the branch. 
Should be solved by placing just the picture in the branch if you want
to have a cross-ref to the figure-float.


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