Am 17.01.2010, 16:53 Uhr, schrieb Joachim Osnabryg, => me:

Remaining problem:
=> The pdf output of this table is flawed and misarranged in column 2 and 3, i. e. not usable for real purposes.
 - With your corrected English version the output is correct -
 I couldn't figure out, what's the difference in LyX or in LaTeX code.

Finally I managed to get correct output
- by copying the table 2.22 from Uwe's corrected English version into the German one,
- then changing the English words to German
- and changing the language-choose of that part in LyX to German as well.

No more help needed for my scope. But nevertheless the other language versions have to be corrected for the next LyX release.


The part of the LaTex Code now reads:

there are some tiny differences to the other code, which I'm not able to explane or interpret, e. g. line 6 in the following code began with \begin{centering}, what is now \centering{}
--------------------part of new code--------------------------

\caption[Ausrichtung mit dem \protect\LaTeX{}-Paket \textbf{dcolumn}]{\label{tab:Ausrichtung-mit-dem}Ausrichtung mit dem \protect\LaTeX{}-Paket
\textbf{dcolumn}. Bei allen Spalten musste getrickst werden, um die
gewünschte Ausgabe zu bekommen.}

\multicolumn{1}{c|}{Einheiten} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Einheiten} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Einheiten}\tabularnewline
12x24\,Flaschen & 12x24\,$\mbox{Flaschen}$ & 12\times 24+$\mbox{Flaschen}$\tabularnewline 1024x768\,Pixel & 1024x768\,$\mbox{Pixel}$ & 1024\times 768+$\mbox{Pixel}$\tabularnewline
32x6\,cm & 32x6\,$\mbox{cm}$ & 32\times 6+$\mbox{cm}$\tabularnewline

Mac BacicTeX 2009 - TeXShop 2.29 / TeXworks 0.2.3
LyX 1.6.5 - MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger

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