Jason Waskiewicz wrote:
I've been using Tikz graphics in my LyX files for some time now, with success, I might add.

Recently, I tried to include sparklines in two different LyX files. An example of what I mean can be found at:
They do not appear. With the first one, I simply exported the file as LaTeX and was able to use it that way. My most recent project is part of a much larger project with many files and the idea of switching entirely to LaTeX sounds like too much work. I like the visual advantages of LyX, but these sparklines only seem to work in pure LaTeX.

Does anyone have any suggestions to make it work? If it helps, I've tried this in the Tufte book and handout classes as well as the Memoir class. I've even tried a standalone article class with only the graphic in it.

Can I make it work or must I turn to LaTeX?

--Jason Waskiewicz
 Bowman County High School

You need to use an absolute path to the data files. I just set up Fauske's example in LyX. After changing




(and putting the data in C:\temp\sparklines on Windows) it worked. My LyX file is attached.

The problem is that LyX generates the DVI or PDF file in a temporary working directory. It exports the LaTeX version of your LyX doc to that working directory, and it knows to export graphics files that you inserted the usual way, but it doesn't recognize the data files here, so they don't get copied to the working directory -- which is fine if you use an absolute path, but a problem is you use a relative path.


Attachment: sparklines.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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