
For the last two years I have been a very happy user of Lyx (currently
version 1.6.5 on Windows XP in combination with TexLive 2009) for writing my
PhD thesis.

But now I have stumbled across something strange in relation to
cross-references since I have split up my thesis into a master document with
child-documents for the different chapters:
* whenever I compile the child-documents into pdf, this results in
cross-references being replaced with "??" double question-marks.
* whenever I compile the masterdocument this results in correct references
to chapters, sections or pagenumbers.

Is this behaviour a bug, feature or user error?

Unfortunately I could not find the answer in the Help documentation.
The "additional features", section 3.2.2 "3.2.2 Cross-References Between
Files" reads the following:
"This section is somewhat out of date. Need to describe default master
documents and how children are opened when the master is. [[FIXME]]"

Also searching the lyx-user list archives I could not find an answer.

Although using a "one-big-document" approach is an easy solution for correct
cross-references in the pdf-output, I would prefer the elegance of a modular
workflow based on a single master-document and multiple child-documents.
Especially as in this stage I am working with different people on different
chapters at the same time.

thanks in advance for any further suggestions,

Stefan Verhaegh

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