Todd Salamon wrote:
The convert command does work ok. I went ahead and tried

convert filename.eps filename.pdf

The PDF is a bit grainy and unresolved, but there is definitely an image there,
whereas in the document it's an empty bounding box.

I also tried opening filename.eps in Adobe Illustrator and it complained about
the following fonts

      Default font substituted for missing font.

and the same message for CMR7, CMSY7, CMMI10.

My colleagues is running Lyx 1.5.xx, with MiKTeX 2.7, and he doesn't seem to
have an issue with creating the PDF.

Warning: My knowledge of font shenanigans is limited. That said, I suspect the Illustrator messages are a reflection on whatever program you used to create the EPS files. Like PDF, EPS allows you to embed fonts in the document. I have some EPS files generated by Mathematica. They use a mix of Courier (not embedded) and Mathematic-proprietary fonts (embedded). If the program displaying the EPS file can't find a font used in it, it tries to make a best-guess substitution. I know with PDF that this can sometimes produce some ugly results. I doubt it explains why you're getting an empty box when displaying from LyX, though.

Is the ImageMagick convert program on your system command path (meaning you ran 'convert' without having to specify a path to it)? If not, it's likely LyX can't find it when the time comes. Assuming it is on the command path ...

Try View -> PDF (pdflatex) and take a peek inside the temp directory LyX is using. Tools -> Preferences -> Paths -> Temporary directory will point you to its parent. Usually on XP it's C:\Documents and Settings\<you>\Local Settings\Temp\lyx_<something>\lyx_tmpbuf<some_number>\. There should be a copy of your EPS file sitting there, with the name mangled to include the absolute path to it. Alongside it should be a PDF file (the output from IM's convert) with the same mangled name. Are they both there and, if so, does the PDF version contain an image?


PS: I doubt it's related to your problem, but I do recommend upgrading to the latest LyX version.

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