Hi all,

So I svn'ed LyX 2, built it, and ran it. So far so good except outlines. I ran 
it against one of my existing books and its associated layout file and 
seealso.inc, and it worked. 

One fascinating thing is for the first time in my history with LyX, I got it 
to recognize a layout file first crack out of the box. All I had to do was put 
the correctly named .layout in the same directory as the document, and bang, 
it worked. I know 1.6.x was *advertised* to work that way, but it didn't. 
Later I'll do some experiments to see if 2.0.x really works that way every 
time, or whether I just got lucky the first time with 2.0.x.  In the past I've 
found layout recognition to be a hit or miss intermittent.

In August I put in a request for a couple improvements to LyX outline mode 
that would stratospherically launch productivity. See it here:



The enhancement described, or even something close, would enable authors to 
construct from scratch outlines within LyX, enhancing the organization and 
value of their documents. It would also limit mistakes as the author flips 
between outline view and document view. I see right now it's owned by 
"nobody", and it would be wonderful if it could be addressed. If the 
enhancement as I described it is too difficult to code in time for release, I 
can work with the developer to simplify the enhancement while still retaining 
its value.

Anyway, my next step will be to observe and document how all the features 
added since 1.5.x work. 1.6.x had a lot of different inserts. 1.6 has layout 
modules, which I haven't explored yet. I hear 2.0 allows you to shut off 
spellcheck in certain styles, which probably means there's LOTS of 
customization that can be done at the style level.

Anyway, thanks for the great software.

Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/stevelitt

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