Michael Born schrieb:

But, the pdf file I can generate now has a different page number
compared to the printout from year 2000. I would like the pdf to look
exactly like the old printout... and therefore all the paper margins
have to be the same, don't they?

Yes. But in your files no page margins were set. The margins were once created by the a4 package. The bug was that LyX once used such a deprecated package. (a4 was already deprecated when LyX 1.1 was actual.)

My problem is that the library has this document (diploma thesis) from
2000 as a printout. Now, they want a pdf of this thesis and it should
look the same. Because a thesis is some kind of "official" document and
it's not allowed to change it afterwards. Thus, I would like to get the
same page numbers and table of contents from the .lyx document.

Then you have no other choice than to install LyX 1.1 AND an old TeX-distribution, I assume teTeX 2.0.2. If this is not possible, have a look in forums to be able to use the a4 package correctly.

With the document class changed to "article (KOMA-script)" the empty
pages disappear

Yes, because this is an article class and because your document is single-sided. If you need white pages, then at least use double-sided.

and the "newpage" lyx command is ignored.

I cannot reproduce this. This works fine in the LyX documentation files that also use KOMA-script.

regards Uwe

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