Justin Wood <upas...@...> writes:
> However, when LyX initially inserts a citation from a *new* reference not
> previously used, it defaults to the *textual *citation format: natbib's *
> \citet* command. This is not what I need. I can of course change any such
> citation to parenthetical (\citep), or any of the other options, quite
> simply with the GUI, but I would dearly love to be able to specify which
> citation format is the *default*.

For me (LyX 1.6.5 WinXp) LyX remembers the last citation format used and selects
this one.

> PS - for the most part my citations are inserted via lyxpipe using this
> tasty little plugin for Zotero <http://www.zotero.org/>:
> LyZ<http://www.klubko.net/?page_id=945&lang=en>

Could it be an issue with this tool, then? Nevertheless, I suppose a default
could be implemented.


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