Am 21.03.2010 22:12, schrieb Jose Quesada:

Do you mean F3?

no, I mean that as you type in the search box things that match get
immediately active. No need to press enter, it works together with 'search
highlight occurences'. the best way to experience this is to open vim, press
/ and start typing your search term. Word 2010 does this too (took them 10
years :) )

LyX 2.0 will come with a completely new written extended search engine.

  2. sentence autocapitalization

Hmm. Most of us hate that.
Let me try to motivate this feature.
1- It's trivial to implement it, and then make it optional.

Indeed, we should let the users decide. Please open an enhancement report in 
our bug tracking system.

  5. bold, color background on outline. A way for the eyes to fixate
in long outlines.

I'm not sure what you mean here.

say section is bold, subsection is not. Or colored backgrounds (level1 is
darker, level 6 is lighter... etc).
I'd love to assign colors to sections to be able to track them visually.

For this purpose we have layout files. Dependent on the document class, you can there define how a section should within LyX. The Additional features manual explains the layout files.

  6. edit history (go back to last edits). We seem to have only one step

You can go back a very long way.

well, on 1.6.4, ubuntu karmic, I cannot. If I press the red arrow (back) it
goes back to one edit location (if at all). What am I doing wrong?

The red arrow button jumps t the last cursor position.
LyX supports 100 undo steps (accessible via shortcut Ctrl+z or the green, 
rounded, left-pointing arrow).

  8. 'pasted from' and url for every paste from the web (onenote uses this
and it's damn inspired)

Imagine you want to keep a snippet you found online. you copy it. when
pasting it in lyx, it will add a little note with the url it came from, and
the time it was collected. This is a killer feature for

So what do you miss exactly? LyX has support for hyperlinks (to URLs, files, 
mail addresses).

regards Uwe

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