
Rob Oakes wrote:
This is clearly either a problem in the way that R installs itself, or
the way that LaTeX installs itself.  I'm not actually sure which though
and I don't know where to file the bug report.

It Sweave.sty is required by LaTeX only when used with R, who must we take care of the correct installation of the style file? Sorry, I don't know LaTeX as for being able to answer this question!
When I just checked, I was not able to find a "sweave" package for R,
nor was I able to find one for TeXLive 2009 (don't know about MikTeX).
But I've experienced a similar problem on Mac OS X and on Linux, which
provides some evidence that it's not getting packaged.

As far as I can find, Sweave is included with R at least as of R 2.4.1 In R, ...

help("Sweave", package="utils")

Read this from http://tinyurl.com/346jrnu ...

"Unfortunately, Sweave hard-codes the absolute path to its style files in its LaTeX output. The path to the style files depends on where R was installed on the local system. This means that while an Sweave document may be portable, the LaTeX file it produces is not. If you receive a LaTeX document produced by Sweave on someone else's computer, you will need to edit the path inside the \usepackage statement so that it points to the Sweave style file location on your computer. If you want to give your LaTeX file to someone who does not have R, you can delete the reference to Sweave and paste in the contents of the Sweave.sty file. "
Because out of the box support for Sweave is one of LyX 2's newest (and
IMHO, killer) features, it might make sense to include a copy of
Sweave.sty with the installation script and have it installed at the
time of LyX configuration.  LyX already does this with a few specialty
document classes anyway (broadway, hollywood).

As Sweave.sty file will be only required by people not running R, I think it must be "maintained" by LyX and/or LaTeX bundles.

But I'm just a newbie here! Please, any insight will be extremely welcome! Thanks!



Ricardo Rodríguez
Life Sciences, Data Modeling and Information Management Systems

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