On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 4:48 PM, Artimess <artim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am using Lyx 1.6.6 on Mac, in Lyx the Figure numbers are correctly
> identifed as Figure 1.1, Figure 1.2, etc.  But when I reference them in the
> text, the references get the section numbers instead.  For example if I
> reference figure 1.2 in section 1.6.2, in the printout it appears as "in
> Figure 1.6.2" instead of "in Figure 1.2...".   I am selecting <reference> as
> the reference stye.
> Could someone tell me what am I doing wrong?

When you insert the label, make sure the cursor is inside the figure
caption inset. (The label should then start with "fig:".) Then your
cross reference should refer to the figure number.


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