Julien Rioux <jri...@physics.utoronto.ca> schrieb:
> On 20/06/2010 10:15 AM, Stephan Maseizik wrote:
>> My two questions are:
>>   -What do I have to do to build the lyx2.0.deb package and
>>   -how do I install both versions (1.6.x and lyx2.0) in parallel using
>>    dpkg?
> I don't know what checkinstall is, 

Thanks for the quick response!

Checkinstall controls the make-process and builds a .deb-package that
then can be installed, updated and cleanly removed using the debian
package manager. It is used instead of >make<.

but one way to have 2.0 and 1.6 
> co-existing is to configure 2.0 with
> ./configure --with-version-suffix=SUFFIX
> where SUFFIX is anything you wanted ( "-devel", "-2.0", "-svn"... ).

Just tried it, but I got the same result: checkinstall gave the
mentioned error and did not build the .deb-file. Lyx2.0 is
installed though I did not install it using dpkg.


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