On 23/06/2010 3:50 AM, Artimess wrote:
I do appreciate if  someone help me to figure out how to use memsty.sty
package.  It is part of memoir class.
When I include it in document setting of a working document I get lots of
errors.  So what I did was created a small
file using it independently and here is what I get.  The problem is I do not
know how to fix it.
Here is the log messages I get.  I highlighted the error in RED.

Thanks in Advance,

This minimal tex example [1] works for me with miktex 2.8, provided I specify the location of memsty.sty. Your error says \setsidefeet is undefined, but it should get defined in memoir.cls. Sounds like a problem with your latex distribution, because it should ship memoir.cls and memsty.sty files that are compatible.



\section{A test}
Here is a first test.

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