Hi all,

>> Additionally I have a small question which I could not find in the
>> forum: Occasionally (4 lines in 100 pages) a line overwrites the right
>> margin. It seems that, this are lines with very long words. How can I
>> manual force a line break in this case?

>Use Insert>Formatting>Hyphenation Point to insert a "soft hyphen" (as 
>WordPerfect used to call it). This will tell TeX that it is OK to break the 
>line there.


Problem solved thank you very much Richard!

>> Hi all,
>> I have a problem wih the fancyhdr package. I use lyx version 1.6.5.
>> In order to add the title of the chapter in the top line and the
>> pagenumber at the bottom of the page (both for even numbered pages in
>> the right corner and for odd numbered pages in the left corner), I
>> used the header:
>> \usepackage{fancyhdr}
>> \pagestyle{fancy}
>> \fancyhead{}  % clear all header fields
>> \fancyhead[LO,RE]{\leftmark}
>> \fancyfoot{}  % clear all footer fields
>> \fancyfoot[LO,RE]{\thepage}
>> \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0.4pt}
>> It works perfectly fine. However, the first page of each chapter is
>> unchanged. I want to change the position of this pages to the left or
>> right position and no header. To this end I used in the header the
>> command:
>> \pagestyle{fancyplain}
>> \fancyhead{}  % clear all header fields
>> \fancyfoot{}  % clear all footer fields
>> \fancyfoot[LO,RE]{\thepage}
>> If I put this in the header in front of the \pagestyle{fancy}
>> commands, the first chapter page looks like the following ones but
>> without a line in the top.
>> If I put it in the header after the \pagestyle{fancy} commands, the
>> first chapter page looks as I intended (no header, the pagenumber
>> moved to the left/right corner). However, the other pages got only a
>> line in the header without the chaptername.
>> What is wrong?

Maybe the question was a bit to complicated, so I try to ask easier:

I use the document class "report".
How would you define with the fancyhdr package or in an other way,
that in the first pages of the chapters the pagenumbers are printed
for even numbered pages in the lower right corner and for odd numbered
pages in the lower left corner?

Thank you very much for your help!

Kind regards!


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