Todd Denniston wrote:
> when you open/fire up lyx for steps 5-10, the outline pane is already open?


> to reproduce for me, outline *had* to be open already and I had to select 
> *back* to the first tab.
> qt4-4.2.1-1

> gdb lyx
> set args -dbg 8 > lyxcrash2.txt 2>&1
> run

the backtrace somewhat confirm my suspictions was that its outliner, which kill 
the whole thing down.
we made changes in so it does not crash with qt 4.6, but it may
be possible that it was damaging for 4.2.1...
if my guess is true, then 1.6.5 should work (i would happy to know this, so we 
can warn users to upgrade
for newer Qt...)

> Thanks for the time you have spent looking at this, you and the other reports 
> are beginning to sound
> like it may be a `CentOS/RHEL 5 has something too old`, which is possible. I 
> am just glad lyx 1.6
> runs at all on it.

workaround is not to use outliner when switching buffers... ;)


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