On 7 October 2010 06:42, Alex Leith <alexgle...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi
> I am using Lyx to write my thesis, using Koma Script - report class.
> I have just now noticed that the list of figures numbering is not wide
> enough (see attached screenshot) when the numbering reaches e.g. 2.2.10. Can
> someone give me advice on fixing this?

You can use the Insert>Short Title command in your figure captions. The
short title is what appears in the LOF. You could thus exclude the source
from the LOF, saving space.

Best regards,

Tennessee Carmel-Veilleux, ing. jr (OIQ)
Electrical engineering masters student, ETS (http://www.etsmtl.ca)
Project AREXIMAS (http://areximas.etsmtl.ca)

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