On 2010-10-13, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
> Am 13.10.2010 07:31, schrieb Rob Oakes:

>> But, not all of the classes use Computer Modern as the default
>> typeface. (Yes, the majority do).  The Tufte classes, for example,
>> make use of Palotino/Helvetica/Bera Mono.

> Seems that you misunderstood me. A document class defines how a document 
> should look, e.g. if the title uses a sans serif font in size "huge". 
> What font you are using for sans serif is your decision.

This is true for many document classes (and you can be quite
sure that the font setting is not changed if there is no mention of
the used font in a packages description).

OTOH, the font is an importont part of "how a document should look"
and hence it is valid for any documentclass to select a different
default font.

Especially the classes for journal submissions use this to select a font
resembling the font used in the journal.



* with the CM-Super bundle installed, you will get CM-Super instead of CM
  as default in most LaTeX distributions.
* else, with LyX's default settings you get "T1" font encoding (instead
  of the LaTeX default "OT1") which results in the EC (bitmap) fonts used
  instead of CM.

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