Nikos Alexandris:

> > > > I 've already tried that (before posting) but the images have to be
> > > > smaller (too small for me) to fit in an A4 page.
> Paul Rubin:

> > > Is that because there is extra white space within/between table cells?
> > > That space can be reduced.

> Sorry for the (very) late reply.
> It kinda works but still not good enough. Images fit on the page (appearing
> at an acceptable (?) size) and the object of my interest (in the beginning
> of each row) is vertically centered.. Yet, the layout space on the right
> is not respected (less than the left while I specifically set the same
> distance for both the left and the right margins) and the long caption is
> more than close to the bottom of the page.
> I am trying to figure out why the table is shifted on the right and towards
> the bottom which is not happening when the images are not within a table.
> (will probably try the other suggestion, using mini-pages, as well and
> report...)

No, not necessary to try further. I had to reduce the fixed column width and a 
bit the height of the images (=height of the cell?). Done, looks ok.

Thanks once again, Nikos

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