On 10/27/2010 02:58 PM, Manveru wrote:
You responded to me privately, pushing to the list.

2010/10/27 Yurena Mendoza Lemes<yurena.me...@gmail.com>:
Hi, I have not solved problem yet. I've done the following, I created the
file in lyx and then I exported as Latex (simple). The person who resive
this arhive. Tex see"??" in lieu of reference which I have done in the tex.
The literature also does not appear when he open this file. tex. What I can
do? Someone could help me?

Did you create the list of references using some bibliography manager, like JabRef? If so, then you need also to send the person the *.bib file, which you have referenced in the Bibliography inset.


Thank you very much

2010/10/25 Manveru<manv...@manveru.pl>
2010/10/15 Richard Heck<rgh...@comcast.net>:
On 10/15/2010 08:06 AM, Emil Pavlov wrote:
На 15.10.2010 13:02, Yurena Mendoza Lemes написа:
Hi, I need to send a document produced by lyx in latex format (. tex).
The option of "save as" is not available. But I'm wondering if copying
source code that is producing lyx in a simple text file to save as tex
could be works for people who receive it. Do Citations, cross
floating and other lyx procedures work?

Thanks in advance
> From the file menu select export and then choose whatever you need.

Specifically, File>Export>LaTeX, where there are two choices for that.
Be careful, LyX do not allows you to select the place where that file
should be exported, so if you have pictures or other stuff included,
all preprocessed files will be put into the same directory structure,
so as an effect you will get messy mix of your sources and results.

jabber: manv...@manveru.pl
      gg: 1624001

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