Hi all,

Version 1.0.4 of eLyXer, the LyX to HTML converter, has been released.
This incremental version solves a lot of reported bugs (particularly
in BibTeX and part numbering). The wish list has grown a bit but has
not yet been tackled; the stream of reported bugs has kept me busy!
Next version should contain at least a few wish list items.

Changes include:
    * Solved bug #31342: detect appendices as they appear instead of
looking at the containing layout.
    * Also reported in bug #31342: number parts and books using roman
numerals, as in “Part I” or “Book IV”.
    * Solved bug #31351: do not number (or add to the TOC) any
document parts inside comments.
    * Also in bug #31351: show the bibliography in regular size, not
smaller than the main text as before.
    * Solved bug #31414: bootstrap creation of conf/config.py.
    * Also in bug #31414: remodeled unit tests to try out Python 2.4
only if present, and to remove test files from previous runs.
    * Show the “Abstract” header only for the first Abstract layout
(thanks, Yaron!).
    * Solved bug #31345: ignore preamble and comments in BibTeX files.
Use string definitions (@string) in other entries.
    * Support for \fbox, \boxed, \framebox and \fcolorbox.
Complete changelog:

Download from nongnu.org mirrors:

If the new version has not hit your favorite mirror yet:

Thanks for your time,

Alex Fernández.

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