
I've decided to give XeTeX a go as well as LyX 2.0, so have installed
both on my Linux system (Debian Sid).

First thing to do was to open a recent exam and change the settings to
use XeTeX as the means of output, as well as the default viewer to
XeTeX's pdf version.

When I try to view the document, though, errors I've never seen before
pop up.  There are five, involving the Latex error of command "\acute"
having already been defined, as well as analogous ones for \ddot, \tilde
\grave, and \bar.  Below them, the description says:

Your command was ignored.
Type I <command> <return> to replace it with another command,
or <return> to continue without it.

I haven't a clue as to what the problem is.  If I try to view the DVI, I
get the following error:

Unable to access jarfile htmltolatex.jar
Systemcall.cpp(237): Systemcall: 'java -jar htmltolatex.jar -input
"c1a_e2_f10.html" -output "c1a_e2_f10.tex"' finished with exit code 1

Removing the XeTeX parts from the document makes it all go away.  :(

Does anyone have thoughts about this problem?  One other area I perhaps
should include is the preamble.  Is one of the packages incompatible
with XeTeX?


\def\myalph#1{\expandaft...@myalph\csname c...@#1\endcsname}

\ifcase#1\or a\or b\or c\or d\or e\or ab\or ac\or ad\or ae\or bc\or bd
\or be\or cd\or ce\or de\or abc\or abd\or abe\or acd\or ace\or ade\or
bcd\or bce\or bde\or cde\or abcd\or abce\or abde\or acde\or bcde\or



Many thanks for any help with this!

If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for
reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.   Albert Einstein

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