> I'm a absolutely happy with using Lyx since a couple of month, but
> there is the following small problem: I can't convert pdf anymore.
> When I press the button, I receive no error message, just nothing
> happens. The only indication is "buffer view pdf2" in the bottom line.
> -Lyx Version: 1.6.5
> -Operating system: Mac OS X 10.5.8

There are many possibilities of what has gone wrong, but most likely the
latex compilation dies unexpected. This may happen if you add raw TeX 
commands and forget to close the braces (}), but there might be other 

Have a look in menu Documents->latex-log and see if there is some error or 
warning there.

Also ensure that you have enough space on your disc to handle your document
(especially if there are a lot of pictures in your document).


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