Alexander Tsyplakov wrote:

> Sorry for my vague description of the problem and
> somewhat confusing title for the thread. Logically
> any special character is very similar to an inset
> without text inside. At an abstract level one can
> think about text markup entities which are
> elementary in their nature and do not contain
> anything within them. There are such things in
> LyX, but all of them are hard coded (like ellipsis
> or hyphenation point). The only exception and a
> great progress are macros in math. It would be
> great to have something like that for the text.
> Besides special characters proper such
> functionality can be used for ornaments, logos
> (like \LaTeX) other solitary LaTeX commands like
> \theendnotes, etc.

I think it can be made this way. We could add an option to specify whether 
such a custom command inset appears as a button (such as InsetBibTeX) or 
with a transparent background. The latter could be used for the things 
Alexander has in mind, if I get his description right.


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