On 5 December 2010 10:47, Daniel K. <blasth...@web.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using Lyx 1.6.7 on Windows Vista. I need texshade for viewing multiple
> DNA-alignments in Latex (http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Ca ... 
> shade.html).
> In Miktex 2.8 it works very well, but in Lyx occurs an error message: "Package
> Texshade Error: File 'AQPpro.msf' not found."
> The alignment file is in the same folder as the lyx file.
> The weirdest thing is, when I export it into a normal Latex file it works.
> In Lyx I'm using this code in a red box:
> \begin{texshade}{AQPpro.MSF}
> \setends{1}{80..112}
> \hideconsensus
> \end{texshade}
I am not familiar with this package but I wonder whether it will work
if you use the full path to the .MSF file?


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