Am 06.12.2010 um 06:16 schrieb Steve Litt:

> On Monday 06 December 2010 00:09:15 Steve Litt wrote:
>> On Sunday 05 December 2010 22:33:07 Paul Rubin wrote:
>>> Steve Litt <slitt <at>> writes:
>>> .
>>>> I think I found a personal dictionary at $HOME/.aspell.en.pws. That
>>>> sound about right?
>>> Yes, that's it.
>>>> Upon finishing the book, I'll just save a copy of that in the
>>>> book directory, and use symlinks if I ever want to use it again. That
>>>> sound reasonable?
>>> Or just use Tools > Preferences > Language Settings > Spellchecker >
>>> Personal dictionary to point to whatever word list you care to use for a
>>> given project -- seems easier to me.
>>> /Paul
>> Now that I know it exists, it IS easier. Thanks Paul -- that's exactly the
>> question I was trying to get answered.
>> SteveT
> You know what would be a really kewl LyX enhancement? If besides the LyX 
> personal dictionary setting you point out in your response, there could be a 
> per-document personal dictionary that, if present, overrides the LyX personal 
> dictionary. It could go under Document->Settings->Language and could include 
> the spellchecker choice and compound words etc. How cool would that be?

The idea is not completely new.
The upcoming LyX 2.0 would not provide that feature and there is some discussion
of the concrete solution needed. The biggest question I have is:
do per document dictionary settings imply to store the dict words there too?
For both answers - yes and no - I can find valid arguments.
What do you think?

BTW, the ability to control the location of the personal dictionary somehow is
lost in LyX 2.0 - I see, it's a useful feature and I'll put it on my TODO list.


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