On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 1:40 AM, Julien Rioux
<jri...@physics.utoronto.ca> wrote:
> On 22/12/2010 9:16 AM, Eric Cavalcanti wrote:
>> Hi and thanks for the response!
>> I apologise, I should have given more details of my system. I use
>> MacOS 10.5.8, and recently installed texlive2010 through the mactex
>> distribution (over an old texlive2007). I installed revtex4-1
>> following the instructions on the package's readme and apparently had
>> no problems there.
>> Cheers!
>> Eric
> OK so could you capture the output of the LyX's configuration step? To do
> this you would start lyx from a terminal, click the "Tools > reconfigure"
> menu, then investigate what you get in the terminal window.
> Also specify the debug flag "tclass" (see
> http://wiki.lyx.org/LyX/Troubleshooting#sLyX.Troubleshooting_11 ) when
> launching LyX to get further info.
> Otherwise I don't know what's the problem and can't help you.
> --
> Julien

Thanks again Julien. This is the output I get after clicking
LyX/Reconfigure (note there's no Tools/Reconfigure in my version) when
launching lyx with -dbg tclass. I looked up the latexconfig.lyx file
mentioned in the end, but it wasn't very enlightening. Does this give
you any hint to why the reconfiguration failed?

start quote------------------------------------------------------------
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+Inspection done.
+Read the file doc/LaTeXConfig.lyx for more information.
System reconfiguration failed
The system reconfiguration has failed.
Default textclass is used but LyX may not be able to work properly.
Please reconfigure again if needed.
end quote------------------------------------------------------------

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