
I'm not sure if it is what you want, but I've attached a LyX module that gives you a "ChangeMargin" inset in the dropdown menu with Chapter, Section, Quote, and other text environments.   You can modify the module file to give you the lengths and labels as needed.  Info on installing modules can be found in the "Customizing LyX" help docs.

The module is taken from the hanging paragraph module included with LyX. The LaTeX code is shamelessly borrowed from http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=chngmargonfly.  It gives you a list environment so you could have a number of examples in a row.  I don't have enough LaTeX know-how to figure it out on my own, so there are probably many other ways to do it better.

The module should at least get you a basic paragraph style that you can change the margins as you want in both LyX and your output.



Attachment: changemargin.module
Description: Binary data

On 28 Dec 2010, at 08:09, Tim Wescott wrote:

I'm rewriting this article: http://www.wescottdesign.com/articles/Friction/friction.html.  I want to put in examples in more or less the same way: i.e., leave all else as-is, but increase the margins so that the text is narrower.

I assume that I can set the margins on the fly, then set them back later.

But is there a more elegant way?  Is there a quick way to define an "example" text class?  Is there a way to make LyX recognize it?

Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services
Voice: 503-631-7815
Cell:  503-349-8432

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