> I've had a quick look at revnum.sty, and it does not seem to issue any
> rerun
> message; so it's hard for LyX to determine whether a rerun is requested.
> Did you check out the etaremune package already?
> http://ctan.larsko.net/macros/latex/contrib/etaremune/etaremune.sty
> This seems to provide the same functionality, but seem to be better written
> in
> general. According to the sources, a rerun request is issued if necessary,
> so
> LyX should update the aux file with this package.

I hadn't seen etaremune, but it looks just fine, definitely better if it
will work with lyx.  I have tried to incorporate it in lyx.  LyX output
gives me a pdf with the numbers increasing, like normal enumerate, and like
I get if I only run pdflatex once on the tex file.  When I run pdflatex from
the command line twice I correctly get the reversed numbers.

This looks like the relevant line from the latex log file, telling latex it
needs to rerun:

LaTeX Warning: Etaremune labels have changed.
               Rerun to get them right.

My module file looks like this:

#This package implements the etaremune environment which is similar
#to the enumerate environment, except that labels are decreasing
#instead of increasing. This package provides an alternative to the
#revnum package which uses a lot of counters. The style of lists
#can be controlled locally and globally. See for more information
#the pdf documentation of this package.
# Author: Gwen Barnes <g...@barnesos.net>, 2011-01-15

Format 11

        \usepackage{etaremune}              % customizable list environments

Style Etaremune
        CopyStyle               Enumerate
        LatexType               Item_Environment
        LatexName               etaremune
        # a blue label to indicate that this is not a WYSIWYG label
        # because the numbering differs in the output
          Color               blue



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