On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:00 AM, Kevin Middleton wrote:
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 7:12 AM, Richard Heck wrote:
>> On 01/24/2011 09:07 AM, Michelle Bottorff wrote:
>>> I think my personal preference would be to run Lyx or even just rtf2latex2e 
>>> from the terminal<snip>
>> Can someone on Mac help Michelle here?
> From the terminal,
> /Applications/LyX.app/Contents/MacOS/lyx

Thank you Kevin!
(Thank you Richard also, I really appreciate you taking the time to respond.)

My terminal error for the failed rtf import says  "sh: rtf2latex2e: command not 
found".  Which sounds like either a path error or a missing file, is that right?

And,  catching up with the rest of the list... 

... I discover that that the problem is most likely that the needed files 
aren't there.  
...that it is almost certainly that they aren't there . 

So I have downloaded the package linked to by Mathias!  -- Thank you Mathias!

... and asking " which latex2rtf"  as BH advised Mathias to do --Thank you BH!
now gets me "/usr/local/bin/latex2rtf"

But when I run Lyx and ask it to import an rtf file I still get:

An error occurred whilst running rtf2latex2e 'DarkMoon.rtf'
sh: rtf2latex2e: command not found
Error: Cannot convert file

Hmm... latex2rtf, and latex2rtf2e...  That's not the same.

asking the terminal "which latext2rtf2e" gets me nothing.

Now what?  Do I need to hunt down a different package, or do I need to set Lyx 
up to use the files I just downloaded?

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