On 02/03/2011 09:15 AM, Christoph Mayer wrote:
Thanks a lot, rh,

unfortunately I need as well circled letters, which are not included in the package afair. I will have another glimpse on it.

I'm guessing that the problem here has to do with the use of tikzpix in moving arguments. Perhaps a different version of \mycirc would solve the problem, say, one that just printed the argument over a circle. I'm forgetting at the moment how to do that in a size-agnostic way. I guess by making boxes, figuring out how big they are, and then using \kern to move back just the right amount.


On 02/03/2011 08:37 AM, Christoph Mayer wrote:
Dear all,

I have a graph which i need to explain in the caption. Unfortunately I need 
numbers and letters with a circle around in order to explain it (which is a 
scanned image). Therefore, I defined a new command in the preamble of the main 

\node[draw,circle,inner sep=1pt](C) {#1};

and here the preview of the latex-code, I inserted the command via ERT:

\noindent \begin{centering}
\caption{ diagram displaying the corrosion
\mycirc{1}\label{fig:1} }

I cannot compile it, even when I insert the command directly into the caption, 

\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(C.base)] \node[draw,circle,inner sep=1pt](C) {1}; 

it only produces errors, while both possible ways work outside the caption in 
standard environment.

Could anybody help me to get around that problem inside the caption environment?
thanks a lot and all the best!

pifont provides circled numbers. So \usepackage{pifont} and then: \ding{172} for a circled `1'. See
// for the codepoints.


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