
>First let me talk about your particular document; sorry if you already know
>everything I say. Then I'll talk about your suggested workaround.

Don't be sorry for explaining things, even if I understand some LaTeX,
it is much easier when we are certain that we understand each other.  And
my English is my second language and I do not always have enough time
to express myself clearly :).

>As I said in my last email, I really don't think you mean to use the 
>layout here, especially _inside_ the marginpar. "Paragraph" (in this context)
>means a type of heading. You should only use it if you have divided your
>document into sections, subsections, subsubsections, and now want to divide it
>into even smaller pieces. And by making the *inside* of marginal notes 
>layout, you are saying that these are headings too.
>To put it another way, if you make the table of contents more detailed (you can
>do this in document settings under "numbering and TOC"), then *all text in
>paragraph layouts* will appear in the table of contents. Including these
>marginal notes, on their own lines.

I agree, no sane person should do this. So with paragraph, atleast, it only 
happens by accident.


>Changed: \paragraph{ xxx } \protect\marginpar{ yyy } \paragraph { zzz }
>This is a paragraph-level heading "xxx", followed by an empty paragraph (not a
>heading) with margin note "yyy", followed by a paragraph-level heading "zzz".

Yes, I see what you mean. Paragraph is different, and a poor example. However,
the same happens with other headings as well, where my work around makes
sort of sense(?). Someone might want to put a subsection as a marginpar and
have it show up in TOC. Maybe as an example box or something... Not that I 
would advise it though :).

>I think that perhaps \paragraph{\marginpar{\paragraph{ blah }}} could be
>disallowed in LyX, because it doesn't make any sense, but something like
>\paragraph{\marginpar{\itemize{ blah }}} makes sense and might one day work, if
>this LaTeX bug is fixed. So overall I don't think LyX should do anything about

The easiest way would be to make it impossible to put a marginpar in a heading 
in LyX. As marginpars floats in the margin there should not be any big 
where it is put in the final document.


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