On Mar 10, 2011, at 4:37 PM, Julien Rioux wrote:

On 10/03/2011 11:05 AM, Bruce Pourciau wrote:
I'm still having problems converting an Article class document (with
footnotes and citations) to a REVTeX4
(\documentclass[12pt,aps,prb,preprint]{revtex4}) document, where there
are no footnotes, but citations and comments appear together in
endnotes. I selected REVTeX4 and put the options 12pt,aps,prb,preprint
into the Custom field.

But even trying to convert the simplest test document in the Article
class, I can't see how to get page numbers into a citation (using the
"text after" puts the page numbers into the body text, rather than the
endnote entry).

Yes, the behavior you mention is intended; "text after" is meant to appear in the text. If you want a page range to appear in your bibliography you would enter that info in your .bib file as in:

 author = {Dirac, P. A. M.},
 title = {The Quantum Theory of the Electron},
 journal = {Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A},
 year = {1928},
 volume = {117},
 pages = {610--624},
 number = {778}

Also, if I cite the same article a second time, with page numbers this
time, I need the citation to appear as endnote 2, like this:

1 cited article
2 See Ref. 1, pp.2--4

(normally you would always have page numbers for an article, but maybe you mean a book)

One way to do this would be just to have an endnote with the text "See Ref. [cite ref 1], pp.2--4" in it.

Otherwise, you could use Bibtex to do it for you. Assume you had a book, and you refer to different chapters of the book. The usual approach is to have multiple @INBOOK entries in your .bib file with cross-references to a @BOOK entry:

 booktitle = {Optical Orientation},
 year = {1984},
 editor = {F. Meier and B.~P. Zakharchenya}

 author = {M.~I. D'yakonov and V.~I. Perel'},
 year = {1984},
 chapter = {2},
 pages = {15--71},
 crossref = {Meier1984}

 author = {G.~E. Pikus and A.~N. Titkov},
 year = {1984},
 chapter = {3},
 pages = {73--131},
 crossref = {Meier1984}


Notice the crossref field. It allows Bibtex to fetch additional bibliographic information from the "parent", the actual book. If you reference a number (2, or more) of different chapters from the same book, Bibtex will automatically insert the book as entry 1. in your list of references and will have entries like

1. The book.
2. In Ref. 1, pp. 15--71.
3. In Ref. 1, pp. 73--131.

Of course you can also refer to the book directly, too.

To see the format I'm striving for, one could go to


and download the pdf of the short Dirac article. (no need for the
two-column at this point)

I'd really like to do the conversion from within LyX, because there will be further editing which will be hard for me to manage if I have to make
those edits directly on the LaTeX file.

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.



Thank you, Julien. That's very helpful. But iyour description makes it seem like there's no way to make these formatting changes from within LyX, starting from a document already formatted in the Article class. Is that right?

If I were starting in LyX with a document in the class [12pt,aps,prb,preprint]{revtex4}, could one make that document follow the formatting you have described above, from within LyX?


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