
I'm an inexperienced enough LyX user, I know enough to write up and format a
project report starting from scratch into a nice, usable document, however,
I've never had to anything more complicated than learning shortcuts for
putting in math characters. I'm reasonably computer literate (probably more
so than the average person but less that a computer science major) but I've
run into an error I can't deal with.

I'm using LyX 1.6.9 on Windows 7.

I want to create a slideshow. I don't care which format I use, Beamer or
Powerdot so long as I can get it to work. Both bearer.layout and
powerdot.layout are installed in my resources directory. However, when I try
to start a "New from template" using the beamer ornate slideshow, I get the
following error:

"The layout file requested by this document, beamer.layout, is not usable.
This is probably because a LaTeX class of style file required by it is not
available. See the Customization documentation for more information. LyX
will not be able to produce output."

It then opens the LyX file and I can edit the slides away but, as stated,
cannot then convert to a pdf (or, indeed, any output). Basically...help!!

I scanned the archives and couldn't find anything related to exactly this
problem, though I could be searching poorly. Still, any help would be much


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