
something like this:

cat > <<EOF

while(<STDIN>) {
    s/\\ / /g;
chmod 755
./ < t.tex.ori > t.tex && tex2lyx -f t.tex && open t.lyx

It removes unnecessary \bigskip, replaces \textquotesingle with '
removes empty spaces (\ ) and emptry braces.

If you see ERT in LyX just add the corresponding line into the perl
script and run again.

Now if someonw reading this could let me know how to make a TeXShop
macro to do that...

greetings, el

On 5/3/11 12:37 AM, Eric Weir wrote:
> On May 2, 2011, at 6:11 PM, Dr Eberhard W Lisse wrote:
>> I load the RTF into OpenOffice (NeoOffice to be correct) into
>> which I have installed the writer2latex extension and export as
>> Ultraclean.  That I manipulate a little with TexShop removing the
>> \bigskip and the likes (which I could do with a Perl Script too)
>> and then tex2lyx it.
>> That works better than rtf2latex.
> Thanks, Eberhard.  That sounds preferable to learning about
> compiling rft2latex2e.  I have OO/NO and I'm sure the writer2latex
> extension is readily available.
> The problem for me would be the "manipulate a little" part.  I am
> literally brand new to the TeX/LaTeX/LyX realm.  Importing this
> relatively short and uncomplicated document was to be my first
> step in learning.
> Is it possible that with a short, simply formatted document little
> or no "manipulating" before importing into LyX would be necessary?
> If so, hopefully by the time it becomes necessary to deal with
> bigger more complicated documents I will have learned enough that
> I'll be able to do whatever manipulating is necessary.
> Thanks again,
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Eric Weir
> Decatur, GA  USA

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